 Action Emoticon
 Animal Emoticon
 Basic Emoticon
 Bonus MSN bonusMSN
 Celebrity Emoticon
 Descriptive Emoticon
 Item Emoticon
 Jewish Emoticon
 MSN 7.X Emoticon
 Other Emoticon
 People Smiley
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 Yahoo Emoticon
 Web Messenger
 Experimental page

last update
1 November 2006

Clean up MSN messenger 7.5

MSN Messenger is full with adverts, links and things you do not need. On this page you find some usefull tips and tricks to remove advertisments and things you don't need. The tips are very easy and clean up messenger.


Don't start MSN Today anymore
1) go to 'Tools'
2) then go to 'Options...'
3) Click the general tab
4) Then untick 'Display MSN Today when Messenger signs in' and press Apply.
5) Press OK again


Remove Tabs on the left
1) go to 'Tools'
2) then go to 'Options...'
3) Click the security tab
4) Then tick 'This is a shared computer so don't display my tabs' and press Apply.
5) Press OK again
6) You might need to restart your messenger.


Using the custom emoticons from your contacts
When the other person in a chat uses non-standard emoticons, you can copy these emoticons in MSN Messenger 7+. To do this, follow the next steps 1. Right Click on the (new) emoticon so that a menu pops up
2. Click on Add...
3. You do have enter information about the emoticon (keyboard shortcut and name). Eenter this information and click OK..
4. You can now use the added emoticon yourself.


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